![]() W just received news from the Hong Kong Ving Tsun Athletic Association ( H.K.V.T.A.A ) that it has elected Sifu Gary Lam, among others, as its LIFE-TIME Honorary Advisor for "their significant contribution in assisting the growth of the organization and developing Wing Chun Kung Fu while they were Chairman/President of the Association. 本會熱烈恭賀以下人仕出任永遠名譽顧問,他們在出任本會主席一職時,不遺餘力地協助推動本會之發展及發揚詠春武術,對本會貢獻良多。 永遠名譽顧問名單如下: 布建華 葉學正 楊淙翰 蕭民 徐尚田 林文學 ( Sifu Gary Lam Man Hog) 葉 準 陸 地 賈安良 (排名不分先後,以屆別次序排列) 本會仝人謹衷心恭賀! Congratulation Sifu !
Sifu LeBlanc
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April 2014
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